Issue 23 was published in Spring 1992.
Hail Mary: a president of women — Ailbhe Smyth welcomes the new president of Ireland
Fattened by force — Karis Otobong exposes the practice of force-feeding young West African women
Back behind the wheel — an update on the Saudi women’s campaign for freedom
Who’s conning who? — Rosa Ainsley and Sarah Cooper take a critical look at lesbians’ taste in popular music
Hungary for change — Zusuzsa Beres describes the challenges for women in Hungary today
Broadening out — Cath Jackson interviews lesbian artist Rachael Field about her work and fat oppression
The demand that time forgot — Dena Attar on motherhood, child-care and women’s liberation
Finding feminism — Libby Brooks
Heart of the beast — Anita Hill on sexual harassment
The third wave — Rebecca Walker reacts to the Hill versus Clarence Thomas verdict
Abuse by lesbians — Alison Hall
Still working against the grain — Margot Farnham interviews Southall Black Sisters